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Selectmen Minutes 12/20/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
December 20, 2011

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Steve MacCleery, Alan Mayville, David Hynes, Jared Hynes, Lucille Noel, Mike Williams, Ed Millette, Donna Chagnon, John Martell, John Freeman, Norm LaRochelle

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 6:30PM.  

RSA 79-F Discussion

David and Jared Hynes were present to discuss the Agricultural Commissions request to include RSA 79-F on the warrant.  Mr. Hynes explained that if the Town voted to adopt the provisions of this RSA, barns that are now out of current use status may be allowed back into current use.  This would only be for barns with an agricultural application and not included in the allowance for the residence.  Candidates would need to fill out an application and then a determination would be made as to whether they qualify.  The remaining tax payers would be picking up the tax shortage for this exemption. When asked for his opinion Dave stated that he felt it could be a good investment for the Town to provide some incentive to keep the old barns for posterity.  He stressed that it is a discount on assessed value not tax dollars.  Mr. MacCleery said 12-17 towns have adopted the provisions of this

The Selectmen agreed to include the provisions of RSA 79-F on the warrant.

HB514 Discussion
Mike Williams wanted the Selectmen to be aware of House Bill 514.   This bill has a conflict with RSA 91-A (right to know).   With the passage of the bill any Town Official would need landowner permission to enter onto the property.  If the assessor fails to get permission, items in the property record file may have to be kept confidential; which is the conflict with RSA 91-A.  It does not appear at this time that the bill will pass; however the Selectmen would like to remain informed.

Department Heads    

Fire: Deputy Chief Millette reported that the Department has been busy.   The storage boxes have been delivered.   Deputy Chief Millette wanted to thank the Road Agent for his help with the boxes.  The Fire Department hosted the annual tree lighting.  The Department has two new CPR instructors for a total of three.

Library:  The Art show was successful.  The Librarian did a craft project at the elementary school.  In February there will be an all artist art show featuring anything spicy.  

Building:  1 new house permit.  Fees for period = $1,447.05

Food Pantry:  The Holiday food baskets will be delivered this week.  

EMD:  John Martell attended a meeting at the Red Cross to discuss regionalizing shelters.

Police:  Chief Clarke was not present; however Mr. MacCleery gave praise to the Police Department for their handling of a recent situation.

Other Business

Town Hall parking lot lighting:  Nancy has looked into getting a street light on the pole across the street from the Town Hall parking area.  The cost would be $18 to install it and $25 per month in electricity.  The Selectmen asked Nancy to check with the Historical Society to see if there is a need.

Warrant Articles:  The Highway Department’s articles were tabled until next week when the Road Agent could be available and possibly the Road Advisory Committee.  The Library’s articles will also be discussed next week after their presentation.  It was decided to use $82,000 of fund balance to offset the cost of the Fire Department’s Fire Truck purchase and to present one article only.  The funding would be $247K from Capital Reserve $82K from Fund Balance and $65K from taxation.  

Budget:  It was decided to use $3.75 per gallon for diesel and $3.50 for regular gasoline. Revenues were reviewed.  It appears that there may be a shortfall of about $26K.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:25pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

____________________________    _________________________      ________________________
 Richard DeBold, Chairman          D.  Michael Paveglio                                Jeffrey Jordan